A question is frequently asked by people what is the difference between eCommerce and digital marketing? The answer is very clear and obvious.

When you will put off your digital marketer cap and analyze eCommerce vs digital marketing then you will understand why it is confusing for some people.

There is a lot of wrong information on the web about this topic and it does not help you anyway. Now here we will try to make it clear to you the difference between eCommerce vs digital marketing.


What is eCommerce and Digital Marketing? 

Some years back you had to go to a physical store for shopping.

More specifically during holidays which means epic battles in the style of Lord of Rings.

All the aisles are packed tightly with the customer’s goods because they fight through the ways of other shoppers to get products at discounted prices.

This type of experience was merciless and brutal because only strong people could prevail there.

For most people, shopping was a simple task but for introverts, it was a nightmare.

After all, things got changed and e-commerce entered the market. It was like a restoration of shopping.

E-commerce introduces a great idea of shopping in the comfort of your home. It was magnificent.

These days instead of visiting a physical store to get new products you can get these products directly delivered to your house. Even without talking to a person about anything.

what is ecommerce and digital marketing


As the name reflects it took commerce to a brave and digital world.

In terms of the common man commerce through electronic devices is known as e-commerce. The things you buy from a website or order through email fall in the category of e-commerce.

Compared to traditional shopping it is easier and quicker to shop online from e-commerce websites.

Online merchants or retailers offer a number of benefits over their online business.

We can’t say that e-commerce is without faults.

It is a very hard process to return something. But mostly online shopping or e-commerce websites offer a better experience.

what is ecommerce

Benefits of e-commerce:

There are a lot of benefits of e-commerce. The benefits of e-commerce are given below:

  • E-commerce is a very convenient way of shopping especially when merchants offer free shipping deals.
  • You can buy anything anytime as retail websites remain open 24/7. Some of the websites also offer 24/7 customer support. 
  • As compared to having a physical store it is cheaper to run an e-commerce website. It reduces your cost. In this way, you can save money.
  • It is very easy to make a comparison of your e-commerce website with other retail websites because you can visit any website with just a click. In this way, you can get an easy retail comparison.
  • You can easily get any type of product you want to buy from e-commerce websites. You just have to type the item name in the search engine. That’s very simple and straight. You can also order any product internationally.
  • It is quite easy and quick to buy anything you want to get from an e-commerce website. This means you don’t need to drive and visit a store, pick items you want to have, and come back home. It saves your time.

You can’t say that physically located stores do not offer any kind of benefits.

Before purchasing you can check products physically. You don’t need to wait for your product shipping.

It depends on the preference of every person.

But most people like to prefer e-commerce, that’s why the e-commerce industry is growing day by day.

benefits of ecommerce

Recommended: On-Page SEO for E-Commerce Website [Rank Fast]


What is digital marketing?

It is also one of the important questions.

Is digital marketing a special form of marketing for e-commerce? 

Marketing is taken to the digital world by digital marketing. The same thing is with e-commerce as it is introduced due to commerce.

The purposes of digital marketing are also the same as traditional marketing.

But their methods are different to achieve goals.

You are employing digital marketing if you are marketing through a website, email, PPC, or any kind of electronic communication.

digital marketing

Examples of digital marketing

Now we will see some examples of digital marketing.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): It is basically the way of optimizing your website content so that people can find your website content through different search engines.

SEO is an organic method which means that you don’t need to spend money on this method.

PPC (Pay Per Click) Ads: As the name shows you have to pay money to search engines to show your website on the top position in Google search engine results.

Your content will appear on the top of the results pages as long you pay for it.

SMM ( Social Media Marketing): It is the method of promoting your business on different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter.

Whatever you seem related to your brand you can share it on social media.

Examples of digital marketing

Email Marketing: 

Email marketing is considered as one of the oldest methods of digital marketing.

Over the past few years, it reflects that email marketing has lost its moisture as each and every marketer is using it.

The good thing about email marketing is that it still works for many businesses.

Affiliate Marketing: Promoting products or services of other websites on your website or any online platform is called affiliate marketing.

You receive money according to the sales made by the customers using your affiliate link.

Here you just get a gist but there are some other examples as well.

You can use digital marketing whether you have a traditional business or an e-commerce website.

email marketing

Digital Marketing Benefits

There are some benefits of digital marketing as compared to traditional marketing. Some tools and techniques of digital marketing are up to the mark.

Low Cost: You can get great results from your spending on digital marketing. You can do many things with limited resources if you know exactly what you are going to do.

Measurable: For a marketer, it has always been very tough to measure or track marketing performance.

You need to be very creative and outsmart the system to measure marketing performance.

But how to measure the performance of a website? There are different ways to measure the digital marketing performance of your website and it only takes a few seconds.

Personalization: If you have a business of shoes then definitely you want to target the audience having an interest in shoes. You can easily do this through content marketing and social media.

As compared to wasting your marketing budget without some positive results.

Higher ROI: Digital marketing offers a high return on investment as we have discussed in the above points.

As all things have pros and cons in the same way digital marketing also has some cons as well.

The cost of digital marketing is low but it is highly competitive. Which means that you need to perform better than your competitors.

You need better strategies for your e-commerce business.

Most people don’t trust digital marketing easily as it is cheaper than traditional marketing.

It is not easy as it looks. You can waste a lot of time and money by underestimating digital marketing.

digital marketing benefits

The confusion between digital marketing and eCommerce:

There is confusion that comes between e-commerce and digital marketing as they have the same tools.

They use each tool according to their own methods and that is enough for confusion.

Let’s take an example.

Your business website could be considered as both e-commerce and a digital marketing tool. Some people choose email.

An email can be used for direct sales and marketing. Social can also be used to sell different products. 

But what is the difference? The difference is they have different methods to use tools.

For example, you have an amazing e-commerce website. It includes front-end development, Kickass copy, images, and web design. For checkouts and payments, you have systems.

From where eCommerce vs digital marketing gets started. It’s straight and simple.

The process of sales is e-commerce and everything you do except this process is included in marketing.

Like when we order a pair of shoes from an e-commerce store the ordering and delivering process is e-commerce.

But the way this online store gets us and the way this brand compels us to trust it, that’s all included in digital marketing.

confusion between ecommerce vs digital marketing


What is the difference between eCommerce and digital marketing?

Both e-commerce and digital marketing are complementary processes for any business.

Because they breathe into your business by working collectively.

The difference between digital marketing and eCommerce is important because it does not mean if you are good at one, you will be good at another.

Maybe you are getting a great amount of traffic for your website and still not getting sales for your business because of some flaws in the sales process.

It is important to have balance in both of them.

You should pay attention to both of them and knowing the difference will help you to detect problems.

Such as if a great number of people are visiting your site in a week but still you have not got even a single sale where is the problem?

Is there any problem with digital marketing or e-commerce?

Maybe the checkout button of your website is not working due to which nobody can buy anything. It’s clearly an e-commerce problem.

You need to fix it as soon as possible.

Digital marketing and e-commerce are related to each other.

E-commerce is started where digital marketing ends. It is important for you to understand the difference between e-commerce vs digital marketing so you can find and fix problems.

Now you can go and check your e-commerce again according to this knowledge to improve your business.

how ecommerce different from digital marketing

E-commerce marketing:

Basically, the practice of using marketing techniques and tactics to promote online store products, driving traffic, converting this traffic into customers, and then retaining these customers is known as e-commerce marketing.

A good marketing strategy can help you to build your brand awareness, drive traffic and increase leads and sales for your business.

ecommerce marketing explain

How does eCommerce different from E-business?

eCommerce is one of the major parts of e-business.

In e-commerce, only money transactions are included but e-business contains all the associated activities including transactions. There is an external approach in e-commerce that covers customers, distributors, suppliers.

E-commerce uses the internet to connect with others.

Types of eCommerce marketing:

There are six types of e-commerce and all types are given as:

  1. Business to Business
  2. Business to Consumer
  3. Consumer to Consumer
  4. Business to Administration
  5. Consumer to Business
  6. Consumer to Administration

All types of e-commerce represent various dynamics of buying.

Types of eCommerce business

How do I make my e-commerce successful?

Here are some tips which can help you to make your e-commerce business successful.

  • Put efforts into SEO.
  • Try to engage with users.
  • Collect maximum data and information.
  • Optimize your website for mobile users.
  • Promote your e-commerce site on social media.
  • Make sure that everything is working perfectly on your website.
  • Make your website user-friendly.
  • One of the biggest mistakes made by the most unsuccessful businesses is rushing to launch a website. So avoid it.

Get More eCommerce Customers:

Here are some useful tips which can help you to generate more sales for your e-commerce website. 

  • Target the right audience interested in your products or services.
  • Use icons due to which your trust looks trustworthy.
  • Use videos to provide more information to your customers.
  • With customers, testimonials also include images.
  • Offer deals and discounts.

eCommerce Customers

Hire SEO Cares as your eCommerce and Digital Marketing Company

SEO Cares as one of the top digital marketing firms can increase your website traffic and revenue.

SEO Cares is one of the trusted digital marketing agencies for small to midsize online businesses all around the world.

We have an award-winning team of digital marketing experts who can plan a personalized digital marketing strategy for your online business to achieve your business goals.

As SEO Cares has experience of many years which means that our digital marketing practices optimizing your business website are more refined due to which we can optimize your website quickly and only with a few resources.