To rank well on Amazon, you need to follow good SEO practices like you would for Google and YouTube.

However, competition is intense, and your products won’t be bought if they aren’t visible.

There are various Amazon SEO tools and services available to assist you.

In this article I will explain best Amazon SEO tools that will help you to do top-notch SEO of your amazon store and listings.


Why Should You Care About Amazon SEO?

To sell more products on Amazon, you need to make sure your listings are optimized.

This means using professional product photos, doing keyword research, and writing keyword-rich content.

When you do these things, your listings will rank higher in Amazon’s search results. This will make it more likely that people will see your listings and buy your products.

Optimizing your listings is a good investment because it doesn’t take much time and it can give you a high return on investment.

Most Amazon shoppers don’t look past the first page of search results, so if you can get your listings on the first page, you’ll be more likely to attract potential buyers.

Also, shoppers who use specific and detailed search phrases are more likely to be interested in buying something.

So, if you can optimize your listings for these types of search phrases, you’ll be even more likely to make a sale.


List of Best amazon SEO tools Try in 2023

Following are the best Amazon SEO tools to check.


Helium 10

Helium 10 is an Amazon seller tool suite that includes a variety of tools to help sellers with keyword research, product listing optimization, competitor analysis, and more.

Being best Amazon SEO tool Helium 10 can be a valuable resource for sellers who want to improve their product listings and increase their visibility in Amazon search results.

Helium 10’s Amazon SEO tools include:

  • Magnet: A keyword research tool that helps sellers find high-volume, low-competition keywords to target.
  • Cerebro: A reverse ASIN lookup tool that helps sellers see how other products are ranking for certain keywords.
  • Black Box: A keyword research tool that uses machine learning to help sellers find hidden keywords that their competitors are not targeting.
  • Scribbles: A tool that helps sellers optimize their product titles, descriptions, and bullet points for Amazon search.


  • Comprehensive suite of tools for Amazon sellers
  • Accurate and detailed data for market insights
  • User-friendly interface
  • Responsive customer support


  • Learning curve for utilizing all features
  • Higher pricing for advanced features
  • Overwhelming for beginners
  • Limited support for non-Amazon marketplaces

 Helium 10


 Seller App

The Seller App offers a range of tools that empower your Amazon business in marketing, sales, and operations.

These tools include features like keyword research, keyword tracking, and PPC analysis.

With their Amazon keyword tracker, you can discover how your listing ranks for specific keywords and improve your optimization strategies accordingly.

It provides important metrics such as:

  • Page rank
  • Position
  • changes in position
  • Search visibility

It allows you to observe the immediate impact of your SEO efforts and track your listing’s position over time.


  • Affordable pricing
  • User-friendly interface
  • Valuable insights for Amazon sellers
  • Various features for product research and keyword tracking
  • Responsive customer support


  • Limited features compared to other tools
  • Not as comprehensive for advanced sellers
  • Limited integration options

 Seller App


Seller Labs PRO

Seller Labs PRO is a powerful Amazon seller software platform designed to maximize profits and fuel business growth.

It allows you to efficiently manage and monitor your sales, reviews, and profitability all in one convenient place.

One of its standout features is the Keyword Performance Center, which empowers Amazon sellers with valuable data to boost sales.

You can expand your list of relevant keywords, track top-performing keywords, and identify high-ranking keywords based on search volume, estimated sales, and CPC.

Additionally, you have the flexibility to track multiple keywords and products to support your business goals.


  • Comprehensive suite of tools for Amazon sellers
  • Advanced features for keyword research, PPC management, and listing optimization
  • Actionable insights and data-driven recommendations
  • Integration with other Amazon seller tools and platforms
  • Excellent customer support and educational resources


  • Higher pricing
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Some features may be overwhelming for less experienced sellers
  • Limited marketplace coverage

Seller Labs PRO



AMZScout offers a range of Amazon product research tools. Their Full plan claims to provide everything you need for product discovery, listing creation, performance tracking, and more.

You can also keep an eye on your competitors by monitoring their sales, pricing, keywords, and stock levels.

AMZScout’s keyword tools provide you with the necessary keywords to create a compelling product listing and run effective PPC campaigns.

By optimizing your listing and running PPC campaigns, you can improve your chances of appearing in top search results on Amazon and potentially increase your sales by up to 400%.


  • Accurate sales estimates for Amazon products
  • Wide range of data points for product research
  • User-friendly interface and dashboard
  • Helpful features like product tracking and niche analysis
  • Browser extension for on-page analysis


  • Limited marketplace coverage
  • Expensive pricing plans
  • Occasional inaccuracies in sales estimates
  • Inconsistent customer support
  • Lacks some advanced features offered by competitors



Keyword Tool for Amazon

The Keyword Tool does exactly what it says. It uses Amazon’s autocomplete feature to generate relevant keywords for optimizing your Amazon listings and improving product discoverability.

You can choose between the free version or the paid version, Keyword Tool Pro.

The Pro version offers twice as many Amazon keywords on average compared to the free version.

It also provides additional features to simplify and expedite your keyword research process.


  • Specialized tool tailored for Amazon keyword research
  • Provides a wide range of relevant keywords for product optimization
  • Helps improve product visibility and drive organic traffic
  • User-friendly interface and easy to navigate


  • May lack advanced competitor analysis features
  • Occasional discrepancies in data accuracy
  • Customer support response time can be slow


Sonar – Free Amazon Keyword Tool

Sonar is a free keyword research tool that helps Amazon sellers find the right keywords to target their products.

It helps Amazon sellers, vendors, and agencies find relevant keywords to improve product visibility and optimize Amazon SEO.

Sonar utilizes over 180 million keywords generated by real Amazon shoppers in multiple languages.

It focuses on keywords associated with ASINs that rank on the first page of Amazon search results. Additionally, Sonar can track and identify competitors’ keywords through a reverse ASIN lookup feature.


  • Free Amazon keyword research tool
  • Large database of relevant keywords
  • Provides search volume, competition, and trend data
  • Helps optimize product listings and increase visibility
  • User-friendly interface


  • Limited functionality compared to more comprehensive tools
  • May lack advanced competitor analysis features
  • Data accuracy and relevance can vary
  • Limited customer support
  • Some features require a paid subscription


Keyword Inspector

Keyword Inspector offers a range of tools to help Amazon Sellers outperform their competition.

These individual tools can be used together to accelerate product discovery, sales, and optimization on Amazon.

Sonar offers a variety of tools to help Amazon sellers with their keyword research, including:

  • Tool to find keywords for a specific product
  • Tool to track keyword trends
  • Tool to test if a keyword is indexed on Amazon
  • Tools to generate suggested keywords and optimize search terms


  • Offers various Amazon keyword research tools
  • Provides comprehensive keyword data and analysis
  • Helps identify profitable keywords and optimize product listings
  • Includes reverse ASIN lookup for competitor analysis
  • Additional tools for product research and market analysis


  • Additional subscriptions or costs for some features
  • Complex user interface for beginners
  • Data coverage may not be as extensive as other tools
  • Limited customer support options
  • Updates and improvements can be infrequent


Scientific Seller

Scientific Seller claims that using their smarter keyword research software can potentially boost monthly Amazon sales by up to 10%.

They offer a free keyword research tool that gathers keyword ideas from various sources, including Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), and filters out non-relevant keywords.

They take pride in their thorough approach, suggesting running the tool overnight or longer to uncover thousands of related keywords through creative Amazon searches.


  • Offers a range of Amazon SEO tools for keyword research, listing optimization, and competitor analysis
  • Provides comprehensive data and analytics for informed decision-making
  • Helps improve search rankings and increase sales
  • User-friendly interface and easy-to-use tools


  • Limited data coverage
  • Limited customer support options
  • Pricing plans may not fit all budgets
  • Updates and improvements may be infrequent
  • Advanced features may require additional subscriptions or costs


Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is a comprehensive toolset that helps Amazon sellers with every aspect of their business, from product research to marketing.

 They have expanded their offerings with the addition of Downstream, a tool that helps you manage and optimize your advertising presence on Amazon.

Using the core Jungle Scout product, you can discover in-demand products, find effective keywords to boost sales, automate inventory and review requests, and more.

It allows you to quickly validate product ideas, evaluate new opportunities, forecast sales, and request reviews with ease.


  • Powerful suite of tools for Amazon sellers
  • Accurate and reliable data
  • Helps identify profitable product opportunities
  • User-friendly interface
  • Excellent customer support


  • Relatively expensive
  • Some features limited to higher-priced plans
  • Data accuracy may vary
  • Competitor analysis could be improved
  • Additional costs for advanced functionality.

Jungle Scout


Keyword Tool Dominator

Keyword Tool Dominator is a free keyword research tool that covers various platforms like Amazon, Bing search, eBay, Etsy, Google, Walmart, and YouTube.

Their Amazon Keyword Tool specifically helps find popular keywords for optimizing product listings and enhancing Amazon SEO.

By searching across 16 Amazon marketplaces, you can generate an updated and relevant list of product keywords.

One of the standout features of Keyword Tool Dominator is its ability to mimic real user search behavior.

It rapidly generates hundreds of keyword suggestions by simulating repeated searches with slight variations. With just one search term, you can discover a wealth of valuable long-tail keyword phrases.


  • Easy to use
  • Real-time data
  • Wide range of features
  • Affordable


  • No monthly payment plans
  • Only works with Google Chrome
  • Lack of social media presence
  • Can return too many irrelevant keywords

Keyword Tool Dominator


Viral Launch

Viral Launch is a software suite designed to help your brand thrive on Amazon. It provides a range of tools for product research, competitor tracking, keyword research, advertising, and keyword tracking.

One of its key features is the ability to track your important sales-driving keywords and sponsored ad placements on a daily basis.

You receive notifications whenever there are changes in keyword rankings. With Viral Launch, you can stay informed about how shoppers are finding your products in both organic and sponsored search results by tracking thousands of relevant keywords.


  • Accurate data
  • User-friendly interface
  • Wide range of features
  • Affordable pricing


  • No free trial
  • Can be overwhelming
  • Not as well-known as some competitors

Viral Launch


AMZ Tracker

AMZ Tracker offers a useful keyword tracking feature that lets you easily check your product rankings for specific keywords.

You can also track your competitors’ products and stay informed about any effective changes they make.

This helps you identify and fix any issues that may be impacting your conversion rate.

Additionally, the Super URL tool allows you to increase your rankings by driving external traffic to your Amazon listing.

As an AMZ Tracker member, you gain access to Deepwords, a powerful keyword search engine for Amazon sellers.

It helps you find highly converting keywords that other tools might miss. The Unicorn Smasher Chrome extension provides valuable insights on Amazon search pages, including revenue, reviews, listing quality, and number of sellers.


  • Affordable
  • Easy to use
  • Wide range of features
  • Reliable data
  • Good customer support


  • Limited features
  • No free trial
  • Can be slow

AMZ Tracker


Keyword Keg

Keyword Keg is a powerful keyword research tool that helps you find the right keywords to target your content and products. Its main purpose is to help you find valuable keywords quickly and easily.

By entering a seed topic, you can discover high-potential long-tail topics in a matter of seconds.

Here are the five tools within Keyword Keg:

  1. Find Keywords Tool: Enter up to 30 seed keywords and get keyword suggestions from 11 different APIs.
  2. Import Keywords Tool: Quickly gather metrics for keywords you already have, such as those obtained from Google Search Console or competitor websites.
  3. Related Keywords Tool: Access all the related keywords displayed by Google at the bottom of search results pages.
  4. People Also Ask For Keywords Tool (PASF Tool): Explore the keywords shown in the “people also ask for” boxes on Google.
  5. Merge Words Tool: Combine multiple keywords to generate various combinations along with their metrics. This is useful for products with different variations or target audiences.


  • Wide range of features
  • Accurate data
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable


  • Limited keyword suggestions
  • No free trial
  • Can be slow



SmartScout is an AI-powered Amazon SEO tool that helps sellers optimize their listings and increase sales.

It analyzes traffic sources and keywords to improve product visibility. With AI technology, it creates effective listings and provides advertising insights for a competitive edge.

SmartScout also offers features like competitor monitoring, sales analysis, and task automation to boost Amazon sales. It’s a comprehensive solution for improving SEO strategies and driving more sales.


  • Wide range of features
  • Accurate data
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable


  • No free trial
  • Can be overwhelming
  • Not as well-known as some competitors


Amalyze is a comprehensive Amazon SEO tool that helps sellers improve their optimization and increase sales.

It has strong keyword research capabilities to identify relevant keywords for product listings. The tool also offers a reverse ASIN lookup feature to analyze competitor keywords. By 


  • Wide range of features
  • Accurate data
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable


  • Can be overwhelming



Seller.Tools is an Amazon SEO tool that helps sellers improve their optimization and increase sales.

It offers a free tier with valuable tools, making it suitable for sellers on a budget. The tool includes a popular chrome extension for real-time insights and easy tracking of performance.

Overall, Seller.Tools is a comprehensive tool to optimize listings, boost visibility, and drive sales on Amazon.


  • Wide range of features
  • Accurate data
  • Easy to use
  • Reliable




DataHawk is an effective Amazon SEO tool that allows sellers to analyze and track keywords and rankings.

It stands out for its user-friendly visualizations, which provide valuable insights into ranking trends.

While some users mention its higher cost compared to other tools, many sellers find the accuracy and depth of DataHawk’s analysis worth the investment.


  • Wide range of features
  • Affordable
  • Reliable
  • Excellent customer support


  • Can be overwhelming
  • Not as well-known as some competitors



Analytic Index

Analytic Index is a powerful tool for researching the Amazon marketplace. While it’s not specifically for SEO, it can still help sellers improve their search rankings.

With data on sales, reviews, and keywords, Analytic Index gives sellers a complete view of the market and their competition.

However, Analytic Index is pricey and mostly used by big brands. It may not be affordable for smaller sellers.

But for those who can invest, its accurate market research data can give them a competitive edge on Amazon.


  • Wide range of features
  • Accurate data
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable


  • Not as well-known
  • Limited customer support

Analytic Index

Data Dive

Data Dive is a powerful tool that helps sellers create optimized Amazon listings.

It utilizes Jungle Scout’s data and a scoring system to provide detailed recommendations for improving listings.

By analyzing keywords, images, titles, and more, Data Dive enhances visibility and boosts search engine rankings.

Considered one of the best listing tools available, Data Dive is highly valuable for sellers looking to optimize their Amazon listings.

Its scoring system and integration with Jungle Scout’s data make it reliable and trustworthy.

Overall, Data Dive is an essential tool for sellers aiming to build optimized Amazon listings and increase visibility on the platform.


  • Wide range of features
  • Accurate data
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable
  • Excellent customer support


  • Can be overwhelming
  • Not as well-known


ZonGuru is a comprehensive Amazon seller tool that helps you optimize your listings, improve your search rankings, and grow your business.

Its standout feature is the reverse ASIN lookup tool, revealing competitors’ targeted keywords for better listing adjustments.

Moreover, ZonGuru offers insights into keyword competition, enabling sellers to gauge their efforts for ranking success.

With detailed analysis and recommendations, it becomes a valuable resource for sellers aiming to enhance listings and increase visibility.

Overall, ZonGuru is a comprehensive tool empowering Amazon sellers to drive sales through optimized listings.


  • Wide range of features
  • Accurate data
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable
  • Excellent customer support


  • Can be overwhelming
  • Not as well-known



MerchantWords is a top Amazon SEO tool that reveals what customers are searching for on the marketplace.

It helps sellers understand popular keywords, track trends, and optimize listings for better search rankings.

With detailed reports on competition and market trends, it provides valuable insights for informed decision-making.


  • Accurate data
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable


  • Limited features
  • Not as well-known




SellZone is a comprehensive Amazon SEO tool that has joined the SEMrush app store.

Previously a standalone tool, it is now integrated into SEMrush’s platform. It offers a wide range of features to help sellers optimize their Amazon listings and improve search engine rankings.

A standout feature of SellZone is its unique ability to assist sellers with both Amazon SEO and Google SEO.

This sets it apart from other Amazon SEO tools. Sellers can benefit from detailed keyword research, competitor analysis, and more, gaining a complete understanding of the marketplace.

This empowers sellers to make informed decisions about their products and marketing strategies.


  • Wide range of features
  • Accurate data
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable
  • Excellent customer support


  • Can be overwhelming
  • Not as well-known




Sellerise is a popular Amazon SEO tool that helps sellers make informed decisions.

It focuses on analyzing product and keyword volume on Amazon, giving sellers valuable insights into the marketplace.

With features like competitor analysis and keyword research, Sellerise empowers sellers to improve their Amazon rankings and grow their business.


  • Wide range of features
  • Accurate data
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable
  • Excellent customer support


  • Can be overwhelming
  • Not as well-known




Zoof is a top-rated Amazon SEO tool loved by many sellers. It offers various features to boost Amazon rankings and help businesses thrive.

Zoof is a keyword research and SEO tool that helps you find the right keywords to target your content and products, and optimize your listings for search engines.

It provides valuable insights into customer search behavior, allowing sellers to understand what customers are looking for and how to target those searches effectively.

Additionally, Zoof includes competitor analysis and product research capabilities, making it a comprehensive tool for sellers looking to improve their Amazon rankings and achieve business growth.

By leveraging Zoof’s SEO tools, sellers can experience significant success in their Amazon business. For expert insights and practical advice, consider exploring the Amazon Selling Guides and Courses available as well.


  • Wide range of features
  • Accurate data
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable
  • Excellent customer support



Summing it Up

I have explained the top Amazon SEO tools available in the market. The best tool for you will depend on your specific needs and budget.

These tools can help you with keyword research, product listing optimization, competitor analysis, and more.

By using one or more of these tools, you can improve your Amazon SEO and increase your chances of ranking high in search results of Amazon.


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