write for us - seo

We believe in free speech and in the same way we introduce SEO Cares to be an open platform for sharing digital marketing updates, news, ideas, opinions, learning, and news stories with users from around the world. Thus we welcome everyone to contribute with SEO Cares and write for.

Write for us

The phrase ‘write for us‘ is intelligible when it comes to digital marketing news and article publishing, a widely used term worldwide by many digital marketing vents.

This is a technique to share your interesting writings with a large number of the audience around the world. Want to be noticed out of the global audience? The ‘contribute with us’ program provides a platform for writers who want to be noticed in the global crowd. Join our ‘become a contributor’ program free of cost and let your friends know about it too.

It’s very easy to get into our ‘Guild of Authors/Writers’ at The SEO Cares ‘Write for us’ initiative. People from around the globe have joined the ‘Write for us’ and writing for this digital marketing news and updates.

Email At: seocares2020@gmail.com

Topics We Meet:

We cover everything in Digital marketing including:

  1. Digital Marketing
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  3. Pay For Performance SEO
  4. Content Marketing
  5. Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  6. PPC
  7. Conversion Optimization
  8. Online Innovation
  9. Online Small Business growth
  10. Start-up Marketing
  11. Digital Advertising
  12. Blogging
  13. E-mail Marketing
  14. Reputation Management
  15. Influencer Marketing
  16. SEO Services
  17. SEO Expert

or any type of digital marketing


Our Guidelines:

If you would like to write and submit a guest article to The SEO Cares for prospective publication, that’s great. Thanks for considering! Before you write and send your article for review, here are few guidelines to boost your probability of approval.

We will deny the content, which:

  • Attacks the rights of minorities
  • Abuses freedom of speech/expression
  • Targets individual harassment
  • Hampers the fabric of pluralism
  • Divides the society
  • Goes against any religion
  • Abuses/Hampers democracy
  • Promotes hate
  • or otherwise.


Tips 1

Our focus is on providing readers with helpful, useful, practical, actionable updated information that brings readers remarkable benefits. Be an expert as it assists if you understand what you’re talking about. Educate, teach, and solve problems with true solutions in your article. If you’ve observed that readers in a certain field have an issue with something, write a solution for them. The articles that solve readers’ problems tend to do well here.

Tips 2

  • Uniqueness and Freshness: Write fresh and unique articles. Not only the content needs to be fresh and unique but also the topic should be informative to the viewer.
  • Show creativity: It goes without saying, this is a writing tine blog. So you just have to be creative. Don’t know what is this means? Think outside the box. Think Unique than others.
  • Be innovative: Think of points of view or ideas that haven’t been noticed yet (or haven’t been covered extensively) on other blogs. Write something new and write it with fresh writing that hasn’t been presented before.
  • Original Content: Be original and fresh. Think out what we haven’t written about yet. If you need, and if you’ve got the strong reasons, you can take another stance to one of Our opinions.
  • Backlinks: Please don’t fill up articles with links to your site in every paragraph, It will be spam. If one of your article or page is highly relevant, then a link is acceptable. Otherwise, a post with unnecessary links to your site is not acceptable.

Tips 3

We will provide you the keyword or topic to write. If you are interested then go to contact us and send an a pitching email to us.

We will reply with the keywords & topics including requirements to write and awesome well-research content..

Tips 4

At SEO Cares we focus on high-quality content that offers strong value and solutions to issues for our readers. Our readers depending on us to welcome only the best of the best.


  • Minimum of 100 words per post. Kudos for 1500+ words.
  • No fluff.
  • Headlines must be engaging to potential readers. Look to Top blogger for some great examples.
  • The article should have bullets and lists.


 Email at: SEOCares2020@gmail.com

    Terms to help you find us on Google:

    1. Digital marketing + write for us
    2. Digital marketing” + become a contributor
    3. “Digital marketing” + submit an article
    4. Digital Marketing “contributing writer”
    5. Digital Marketing “want to write for”
    6. Digital Marketing “submit blog post”
    7. Digital Marketing “contribute to our site”
    8. Digital Marketing “submit content”
    9. “write for us” digital marketing
    10. digital marketing blog write for us
    11. write for us digital marketing
    12. online marketing write for us
    13. marketing blogs write for us
    14. write for us marketing
    15. marketing + write for us
    16. SEO + “write for us”
    17. SEO + ” become a contributor”
    18. SEO “write for us”
    19. SEO write for us
    20. “write for us” SEO
    21. social media “write for us”
    22. social media marketing “write for us”
    23. social media marketing write for us
    24. social media marketing write for us
    25. email marketing  + “write for us”
    26. email marketing “write for us”
    27. “email marketing”+“write for us”
    28. email marketing + write for us
    29. Content marketing + “write for us”
    30. write for us content marketing
    31. marketing blogs write for us
    32. PPC write for us
    33. PPC + write for us
    34. Submit a content + digital marketing

    Read: How to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities?

    write for us digital marketing

    Professional Practices to write Content for a guest post purpose:

    1. Be aware of their brand and standard.
    2. Always Write for their blog’s Audience.
    3. Must know their blog post format.
    4. Provide Extreme user-engaging Content.
    5. Consider their writing policy first.
    6. Add Internal Linking to their other relevant post as a reference.


    How to send a guest post?

    1. Add images in the article before sending it
    2. Add internal links to their other post
    3. Add external links to worthy domains as reference
    4. Make sure to re-check the content before sending
    5. Make sure your content is organized
    6. Thank the editor to make a great relationship
    7. If they don’t respond to your email, always take follow-ups


    What is writing a guest post?

    Writing an article or blog for another company according to their audience, niche and relevancy is called guest post AKA guest posting. Commonly authors or guest bloggers write guest posts on guest posting websites or blogs related to their area of expertise and their industry.


    How can you introduce yourself as guest blogger online?

    Just like you would introduce yourself as a guest at a gathering or any function, introduce yourself as a blogger or professional specific industry writer online. 

    In starting or introductory paragraph must explain your vision, purpose, and how you will give value to the audience through your content. Writing a short and to-the-point introduction is always an engaging practice.


    Golden tips to start content writing:

    1. List out all the niches you are interested in & expert in.
    2. Choose your one niche in them
    3. Choose the medium you will use  to share your thoughts (It could be social media, your own blog, or someone’s blog as well.)
    4. Now let’s start Writing
    5. Always be relevant and specific in blog writing
    6. Write short and meaningful sentences
    7. Don’t over long content with irrelevant arguments and don’t make it too short as well (just write according to the topic’s need)
    8. Always proofread your content
    9. Get inspiration from top writers in your industry
    10. Find a popular website to collaborate with in order to promote your writing
    11. Keep learning and growing with time.


    Robust tips to write a perfect guest post pitch:

    1. Study their blog first (find out what their blog is about and do homework)
    2. Write a relationship-making email
    3. Prove to them why this collaboration will be helpful for both
    4. Write powerful subject they can’t ignore
    5. Be nice and respectful to editors 
    6. Always offer them revisions in content if they needed
    7. Write to the point and nice sentences


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