Struggling to get more leads on Thumbtack? This guide will help you land more projects from Thumbtack and acquire clients to grow your business.


What is Thumbtack?

Thumbtack is basically an online marketplace connecting people with local service providers.

On Thumbtack you can find and hire professionals for various tasks around your house, like handymen, cleaners, or even event planners.

You can post a project, browse profiles of qualified professionals, and even read reviews from past clients before making a decision.


How to get more leads on Thumbtack?

The following strategies will help you increase leads on Thumbtack.


Optimize Your Profile:

To increase your leads on Thumbtack, focus on optimizing your profile. Make sure it’s complete and detailed, highlighting your skills, experience, and qualifications effectively.

Use high-quality photos and comprehensive service descriptions to grab the attention of potential customers.

A well-polished profile that proves your credibility and professionalism makes it more convincing and easier for customers to choose you for their needs.

Below are some ways to optimize your thumbtack profile:

  • Profile Picture: Use a clear, friendly headshot. A professional look builds trust.
  • Compelling Title: Don’t just list your service – e.g., “Experienced Handyman” instead of just “Handyman.”
  • Profile Description: Clearly explain your services, experience, and qualifications
  • Proof of Expertise: Got certifications or licenses? Mention them! Highlight what sets you apart.
  • Background Check: Getting a background check adds an extra layer of trust for potential clients (it’s free on Thumbtack).

Optimize Your Profile:


Shine with visuals:

Make your Thumbtack profile shine by including high-quality photos and even videos that showcase your past work. 

Visuals are powerful tools for attracting potential customers and convincing them of your skills and expertise.

High-quality photos give customers a clear idea of the quality of your work and help them envision what you can do for them.

Consider including before-and-after pictures, portfolios, or examples of completed projects to demonstrate your capabilities effectively.

Additionally, videos can provide an engaging and immersive experience for customers, allowing them to see your work in action and get a sense of your personality and professionalism.

Using interesting quality visuals of your past work can make a strong impression on potential customers and increase your chances of getting hired on Thumbtack.


Request Reviews:

Positive feedback builds trust and makes your profile more attractive to potential clients. After completing a job, encourage happy customers to share their experiences on your Thumbtack profile.

These reviews showcase your reliability and quality of service. As a result, they increase your credibility in the eyes of potential clients.

Positive reviews also make your profile stand out and attract more leads to your services.

Therefore, don’t hesitate to ask satisfied customers to leave a review. It can greatly enhance your chances of success on Thumbtack.

Request Reviews:


Offer Competitive Pricing:

Since Thumbtack lets customers compare quotes from different providers, having competitive pricing can make your services more appealing.

Customers are more likely to choose you if your prices are competitive compared to others, increasing your chances of getting hired.

So, by adjusting your pricing to be competitive, you can attract more leads and grow your business on Thumbtack.


Negotiate strategically:

Negotiating strategically can be key to securing more jobs on Thumbtack. If a potential client seems interested but the budget doesn’t quite align, don’t hesitate to discuss it.

Rather than dismissing the opportunity outright, try to find a middle ground that satisfies both parties.

Being open to negotiation shows you’re flexible and care about meeting the client’s needs while ensuring fair payment for your services. This can lead to successful collaborations and positive outcomes for both you and the client.


Highlight Special Offers or Discounts:

Highlighting special offers or discounts on Thumbtack is important because it helps you stand out and catch people’s attention. Here are some easy tips to do it:

  • Firstly, using bright colors or big words can make your offer noticeable.
  • Secondly, make people feel like they need to act fast by saying it’s for a limited time. Also, make sure your offer gives customers a good deal.
  • Moreover, put your offer where people can see it easily on your Thumbtack profile.
  • Lastly, keep updating your offers to keep people interested.

It’s a great way to get new people interested in your services  and set yourself apart from others.

Highlight Special Offers or Discounts:


Consider browsing opportunities:

To maximize your chances of getting more leads on Thumbtack, consider browsing the “Opportunities” section in addition to responding to direct leads.

Thumbtack has a section called “Opportunities” where you can find jobs to apply for, instead of waiting for them to come to you.

This is a great way to land more clients without the automatic cost of direct leads. Just browse the listings, find jobs that match your skills, and apply! The more you apply, the more chances you have of getting hired on Thumbtack.


Be Specific in Your Services:

Being clear about the services you offer on Thumbtack is vital because it helps customers find what they need easily.

People often search using specific words, so by describing your services accurately, you boost the chances of your profile showing up in their search results.

This makes it more likely for them to discover your profile and consider hiring you. To do this effectively, explain your services in detail using simple language.

For instance, instead of just saying “cleaning services,” specify if you do residential, office, or deep cleaning.

This helps customers understand exactly what you offer and if it suits their needs. Also, use relevant keywords in your descriptions to improve your profile’s visibility. 

Being specific attracts leads actively seeking the exact services you provide.

Be Specific in Your Services:


Use Professional Communication:

To attract more leads on Thumbtack, it’s important to communicate professionally with potential customers. Whether you’re sending messages or responding to inquiries, make sure your tone is clear, polite, and professional.

This helps to build trust and credibility with customers, increasing the likelihood of them hiring you for their needs. Remember, the way you communicate reflects your professionalism and can make a big difference in winning over customers on Thumbtack.

Use Professional Communication:


Respond Quickly:

To get more leads on Thumbtack for free, it’s crucial to respond quickly to messages from potential customers interested in your services.

Thumbtack values prompt responses, and being swift in your replies can increase your chances of getting hired for jobs.

When you reply promptly, it demonstrates your reliability and professionalism, making customers more inclined to choose you for their needs. By being quick to respond, you show that you prioritize customer satisfaction, which can ultimately lead to more opportunities and success on the platform.


Follow Up:

After sending a quote or proposal to a potential customer, it’s a good idea to follow up if you haven’t heard back from them.

A friendly follow-up message serves as a gentle reminder of your services and can increase the chances of securing the job. Keep the follow-up message polite and concise, expressing your continued interest in working with them and offering any further assistance they may need. 

Following up shows professionalism and dedication, leaving a positive impression on customers and increasing your chances of getting hired.

Follow Up:


Stay Active:

Being active is crucial for getting more leads on thumbtack because the faster you reply, the more jobs you can grab. When you’re logged in and check your messages often, you can answer potential clients right away.

This shows you’re reliable and professional, making customers more likely to hire you. Also, staying active helps you stay updated on new job opportunities, so you don’t miss out. So stay active and be ready to chat with potential clients!


Wrapping up

If you truly want to gain leads from Thumbtack, it’s crucial to not just read through these points, but to actively apply them and monitor the results.

Implement strategies such as optimizing your profile, requesting reviews, and offering competitive pricing.

Also, negotiate well, showcase special offers, and use Thumbtack ads if you have a budget available. Stay active, respond promptly, and follow up with potential leads. 

All these points will help you attract more leads on Thumbtack if you consistently follow them.


Frequently Asked Questions


Where does Thumbtack get their leads?

Thumbtack generates leads from customers looking for various professional services in their area.  These customers post project details and requests on the platform.


How do you get direct leads on Thumbtack (as a pro)?

As a Thumbtack pro, you get direct leads when a customer posts a project that matches your service offerings and location.

Thumbtack sends these leads to a limited number of pros based on factors like responsiveness and profile strength.

You will be notified with project details and have the opportunity to submit a quote to the customer.


How to get more leads on Thumbtack pro?

Here are some ways to improve your chances of getting leads on Thumbtack pro:

  • Optimize your profile
  • Respond promptly
  • Offer competitive pricing
  • Stay active
  • Target your specific services


How does Thumbtack work for customers?

Customers looking for service providers can post project details on Thumbtack, including location, budget, and specific needs.

They can then browse profiles of qualified professionals, view reviews from past clients, and compare quotes before choosing someone to hire.

Thumbtack also offers features like secure messaging and payment processing for a seamless experience.


How does Thumbtack make money?

Thumbtack charges service fees to professionals when they win projects through direct leads. These fees typically range from a percentage of the project value to a flat fee.  There’s no charge for customers to post projects or browse profiles.


How does Thumbtack payment work?

Thumbtack offers a secure payment system for both customers and pros.  When a customer hires a pro, they can pay securely through Thumbtack using:

The funds are held by Thumbtack until the project is completed and the customer approves the work.  Once approved, the payment is released to the pro minus Thumbtack’s service fee.