Here we are going to discuss customer buying journey stages.

It has been observed by the marketers of the modern age that the process of purchasing takes place in the form of a journey and this customer or consumer passes through a process which is known as the buyer’s journey.

In a buyer’s journey, a step-by-step progression of a customer from the research of the product to the final decision-making to purchase a product is included.

There are basically three customer buying journey stages.

The first one is the stage of awareness. The second is a consideration and the final is decision-making.

These days most of the shopping is done by people online and they also use the internet to make proper research about the product after research, they make the most educated decision after they approach you.

It is the basics of a buyer’s journey. A lot of research has been done by people on the internet before they purchase a product and this process is also included in the buyer’s journey.


 Customer buying journey Stages Complete Process


  1.       Stage of Awareness
  2.       Stage of Consideration
  3.       Stage of Decision


Stage of Awareness

At the first stage of the buyer’s journey, which is about awareness, consumers observe their problem and what kind of problem they have.

At this stage, customers don’t know about you and you also don, t know anything about the customer.

The customer is sorting out different platforms on the internet to find a solution to the problem he is facing.

Now it’s all upon you how you reach customers and how to deal with them.

You have to try to understand the problem the customers are facing and provide the best solution through the process of brand awareness.

For this, you have to optimize your online platform by using different kinds of strategies and using potential keywords in your content.

You should focus on the solution to the problem and don’t adopt a selling approach reflecting that you are trying to sell something about your service or product.

For this you can make an Ebook, or a blogging website or you can use any other online platform by focusing on the specific problem from which your customer is suffering.

Your content should be informative and provide a complete outline of the problem with a solution. If a customer will find any piece of your content helpful he will definitely continue his buying journey with you.

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Stage of Consideration

At the consideration stage of the buyer’s journey, the same customer has clear information about his problem.

Now he is focusing on finding the best solution for his problem.

Now the customers will make thorough and deep research to find the solution and for this, he will compare different techniques and tactics to find one of the best and most accurate solutions.

Make sure to create problem-solving content as a marketer.

As we have also discussed earlier you must remember that you are not selling anything rather you are an expert in the field who knows how to deal with this problem.

Through video content like a podcast, webinars, and live answer questions you can deep dive into the customer level and convince them that you can find a solution for their problem.

If you do this there is nobody who will not like to purchase products from the expert.

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Stage of Decision

In the final stage of the buyer’s journey, your prospective customer will review only some special platforms and products which he finds most trusted and problem-solving.

Now you have to compete with your competitor but you will have an upper hand than your competitor if you have already defeated a competitor in the early stages of the buyer’s journey.



It has been observed that almost 80% of the people research about the product before purchasing it.

This number has great importance.

Due to the internet now customers have more information available related to every product which impacts their decision of purchasing a certain product.

Now it’s your turn.

You have to satisfy the customers with your services and offer the products they are looking for.

You just have to let the customers know why you are better as compared to the others and why they should choose you and your product.

For this you have to give the best reviews of products, offer a free trial, and compare different products.

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                                                   Bottom Lines

This article was all about the customer buying journey stages.

As we have discussed in the above paragraphs there are three stages of the buyer’s journey.

The first stage is about awareness, the second is about consideration, and the final stage is about decision-making.

If you are the best SEO expert or a digital marketer, you should know all these stages.